Thursday, June 27, 2013

Should You Add Momenta to Your Portfolio?

Shares of biotech innovator Momenta Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: MNTA  ) entered into a nosedive in early June, but quickly recovered after analysts at UBS AG upgraded the stock from "neutral" to "buy." I don't put any faith in analyst projections -- and neither should you -- but I do see value in the company's technology. Momenta has developed a platform for analyzing and characterizing complex molecules that could significantly reduce R&D costs and development times of drugs in the pipeline. If you're an investor looking for a biotech company with boatloads of potential, you may be wondering about adding Momenta to your portfolio. Fool contributor Maxx Chatsko breaks down that decision for investors in the following video.

It's no secret that biotech stocks have been soaring recently, but the best investment strategy is to pick great companies and stick with them for the long-term. The Motley Fool's free report "3 Stocks That Will Help You Retire Rich" not only shares stocks that could help you build long-term wealth, but also winning strategies that every investor should know. Click here to grab your free copy today

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