Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is the Stock Market Confused About Internet Radio?

The Internet radio debate continues to heat up with the news that Apple  (NASDAQ: AAPL  ) is prepping to go prime time in the space. Shares in  Pandora  (NYSE: P  ) and Sirius XM  (NASDAQ: SIRI  )  took a licking in trading on the announcement -- but investors should keep an eye on the real story. While the media would have you believe there can be only one victor in the battle for radio supremacy between Apple, Sirius XM, Pandora, and many more, Motley Fool analyst Blake Bos has a different viewpoint worth considering.

Watch the video below as Blake breaks down some of the key companies in this space, and let us know if you agree with him, or think otherwise, in the comments section below.

Despite Sirius XM being one of the market's biggest winners since bottoming out three years ago, there is still some healthy upside to be had if things go right for it -- and plenty of room for it to fall if things don't. Read all about Sirius in The Motley Fool's premium report. To get started, just click here now.

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