Monday, January 14, 2013

Patience in Online Investing is an Absolute Necessity

When you become an online investor you quickly learn that patience is not only a virtue, it is an absolute necessity. This doesn’t suit everybody and if you are the type that must know when things will happen with certainty then I’d suggest it’s not for you.

I’d say that every legitimate online programme sets out with the best intentions to honour all the assertions they make about how they see things going. However, in my experience reality ends up being a long way from this initial intent.

Recently a new online programme was made available that stated payments would begin just two weeks after all investments had been received and verified. This was a newcomer to the online investing world but they felt confident that they could meet their aspirations. In fact payment has still not been made some six weeks after the confirmation that the programme has closed. Whilst all the facts aren’t available as to what has happened it does seem that hackers have compromised the user database and the programme owners are attempting to rectify the problems. It is still not clear whether the problems can be overcome and when payouts will be made (if ever).

Apart from demonstrating vividly that diversification of investments is a necessity it is all too clear that investors will be faced with delays and frustrations in even the best run programme.

Unfortunately many people panic at the first hint of a problem and don’t allow the admin any breathing space to sort things out. In the majority of cases this can create an unstable environment and the ultimate collapse of the opportunity. If investors go as far as complaining to the authorities there will be little hope of recouping any of your investment.

Whilst it is not always possible to avoid programmes that fail you can spend some time before you invest in exploring what you can find out about a particular programme. Like all new businesses an online investment is at its most vulnerable in the first few months of its existence so look for a reasonable period that the programme has been online. This is an important metric as many offerings have performed offline quite successfully for an extended period, the problems arise when they come online.

Wherever possible see if a user forum exists on the site and research what existing members are saying, especially about the programme paying withdrawals on time and with no delays.

Another important aspect is the level of communication that the programme has with its members. Many programmes rarely communicate on a regular basis and this is another cause of frustration that results in patience being tested to the limit. Look for programmes that communicate on a regular basis and ensure that they are honest when it comes to problems they may be facing at a particular moment in time. If they demonstrate a clear intent to be open and honest the programme will be more likely to retain the trust of the membership especially during difficult times.

For more great tips on online investing you can visit my blog at
From John Murphy and Online Investing Guru

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