Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fiscal-cliff talks bog down in Senate


Down-to-the-wire talks to avert the fiscal cliff were stalled in the Senate on Sunday, as Democrats and Republicans searched for ways to avert the tax increases and spending cuts set to take effect in less than 48 hours. See full story.

Cliff overshadows job, industrial snapshots

The monthly jobs report and a snapshot of manufacturing are usually a big deal, but Washington � and specifically the fiscal cliff � has shown little sign of relinquishing the spotlight See full story.

5 fiscal-cliff effects on your wallet

As Congress continues working toward a deal that could avoid the fiscal cliff, consumers may want to consider what going over it could mean for their wallets. See full story.

10 movies to help you beat the fiscal-cliff blues

As politicians engage in a testy battle in Washington that could decide the fate of the U.S. economy in the new year, it�s good to be reminded what people are capable of when they work together to overcome difficult circumstances. See full story.

Obama: Failure to pass deal will hurt markets

President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to reach a scaled-down deal to prevent higher taxes on the middle class, saying the failure to act would damage the economy and hurt financial markets See full story.


The fiscal cliff is a misleading metaphor, writes Rex Nutting. The tax and spending laws will change on that day, it�s true, but the impact will be spread out over many, many months. We�re already feeling the pain. See full story.


These not-so-obvious conditions may mean you�re headed for danger See full story.

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