Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Corzine approved MF Global fund transfer: probe


A congressional committee investigating how $1.6 billion of customer funds went missing from the bankrupt brokerage says it�s found evidence that former chief Jon Corzine directed a senior official to use $200 million of clients� money. See full story.

Money moves 5 doomsayers are making now

They are sentries at the stock market�s wall of worry, warning investors to prepare for another epic crash for debt-laden economies. But with U.S. stocks at levels not touched in several years, most of Wall Street isn�t seeing much cause for alarm. See full story.

Corzine approved MF Global fund transfer: probe

A congressional committee investigating how $1.6 billion of customer funds went missing from the bankrupt brokerage says it�s found evidence that former chief Jon Corzine directed a senior official to use $200 million of clients� money. See full story.

MarketWatch top 10 stories March 19 - 23

Apple�s dividend payment, the �Hunger Games� movie�s impact on Lionsgate and China�s disappointing data were among the top 10 stories this week. See full story.

U.S. stocks close tough week on bright note

U.S. stocks rose Friday on a round of bargain hunting and a surge in energy shares, curbing what still turned out to be the worst week of the year for two stock benchmarks. See full story.


Instead of acknowledging that banks have become a part of government, we keep pretending they are private institutions, writes David Weidner. See full story.


Looking for great summer travel deals? The trick to finding vacation-season savings is to know where the deals are (think Florida and Spain) and to know when to find them (shop for tickets and fly midweek). See full story.

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