Sunday, January 6, 2013

Comcast “Disappointed” With FCC Move To Reclassify Broadband

Comcast (CMCSA) today said it is “disappointed” with the FCC move to reclassify broadband services as common carriers in order to enforce the government’s position on net neutrality, while seeking to enforce only a limited set of the provisions that apply to other telecom services. Here is the full text of their statement, which the company sent along by e-mail:

“While we are disappointed with the inclination not to lean in favor of Title I regulation, we are prepared to work constructively with the Commission to determine whether there is a� ‘third way’ approach that allows the Commission to take limited but effective measures to preserve an open Internet and implement critical features of the National Broadband Plan, but does not cast the kind of regulatory cloud that would chill investment and innovation by ISPs.

We continue to believe that the existing classification of broadband as an information service gives the Commission sufficient authority to implement both key goals of the National Broadband Plan and reasonable rules to preserve an open Internet. And we are concerned about the investment and innovation risks of a Title II approach, and appreciate the Chairman�s recognition of these concerns.

We also appreciate the Chairman’s desire to take extremes off the table and to try to develop a path to providing ISPs and others in the Internet ecosystem with clear rules of the road about what consumers expect of them, including the Commission’s need to have authority to address complaints should any arise, while avoiding the elements of Title II that are destructive to our business.”

CMCSA today is down 78 cents, or 4%, to $18.96.

See also: FCC Goes Nuclear On Net Neutality; Cable Shares Get Crushed

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