Friday, September 14, 2012

Best Safe Investment Strategies For 2011 and Beyond

The best investment strategies for 2011 and beyond will reflect the new realities in the world of investments: better safe than sorry. Diversification is the key to good investment strategies, but as the future unfolds finding the best alternatives in each investment class could get a bit tricky. Here’s a basic guide geared to making life easier for average investors, which includes most of us.

The challenge facing investors today: how to put together the best investment strategies to make your money can grow without too much risk. Stock funds and bond funds are always part of the mix for most folks, and so are good safe investments. Looking down the road, there could be more trouble in the world’s debt markets; and America’s plans to stimulate a luke-warm economy by lowering interest rates to new lows might not have the intended effect. So, let’s look at how to stay out of harm’s way in 2011 and beyond in case another shoe drops, starting with what are and what are not safe investments.

Going into 2011, bonds and bond funds were like magnets for people who wanted higher interest income in relatively safe investments. Compared to other alternatives investors got higher interest income, but many people don’t understand the safety issue. Truly safe investments are fixed in nature, pay interest, and do not fluctuate in value. Bonds have a fixed interest rate but fluctuate in value as they trade in the open market. Bond funds have worked well for average investors over the years as interest rates have fallen to historical lows. Don’t push your luck here.

The flip side: when interest rates and/or inflation heat up bond funds holding long term bonds in their portfolios will be anything but safe. They will lose significant value. Your best investment strategy here is to go with intermediate and short-term bond funds. You will make less in interest income, but these funds are definitely safer than long term funds. Money market funds are safe and will pay higher interest income as rates rise. There’s only one problem with them for 2011. Unless or until interest rates take off, they are paying next to nothing.

The real challenge until rates move up is in finding good safe investments that pay a respectable rate of interest… without locking in a rate for too long. No one could have predicted mortgage rates at less than 5% or 5-yr CDs at less than 2%, but it happened. Your best safe investments might not be found in mutual funds in 2011, but you may be overlooking some options elsewhere. If you are in a retirement plan (like 401k) you may have a fixed or stable account available. If you own a retirement annuity or universal life policy it may have a guaranteed minimum interest rate. In either case the interest rate could be quite attractive relative to other options.

Stocks and bonds are still the cornerstones of a good investment strategy. And for the vast majority of people mutual funds are the best way to invest in both. We’ve discussed how to move toward a safe investment strategy in bond funds. With stock funds we can do this in two different ways: by increasing diversification and by favoring conservative funds with a good history of paying dividends. We’ll start with the latter.

When the economy and/or optimism are growing, growth and small-company stock funds are often the best investment. These funds can grow dramatically in value as stock prices run up, but they rarely pay much in the form of dividends. In times of high uncertainty equity-income funds that invest in high-quality dividend paying stocks can be a step in the safe direction. If the market goes south they should be less volatile on the down side, and the dividends they pay can cushion the blow somewhat.

The best investment strategies for stock (equity) funds in 2011 and beyond will focus on increasing your scope of diversification. Too many Americans own general diversified equity funds that only invest in U.S. stocks, and ignore the rest. One of the best ways to get more diversification is with international and global equity funds. Another way is to add specialty stock funds to your portfolio. Gold funds have been one of the best investments for several years, but history shows that gold can get real cold real quick. Don’t put more than 5% of your investment dollars in gold funds. Consider natural resources, real estate, and basic materials specialty funds as well to add even more diversification.

The best safe investment strategies going forward will focus on reducing risk in the stocks and bonds department, while getting the best rates available on the truly safe investments in your portfolio. With increased diversification you can lower your overall risk and still make your money grow over the longer term. If another financial crisis rears its ugly head… you now have investment strategies geared to the safe side to keep you out of major trouble in 2011 and beyond.

A retired financial planner, James Leitz has an MBA (finance) and 35 years of investing experience. For 20 years he advised individual investors, working directly with them helping them to reach their financial goals. Jim is the author of a complete investor guide, Invest Informed, designed for average investors or would-be investors of all levels of financial background and experience. To learn more about investments and investing and his new financial guide go to

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