Monday, May 21, 2012

Making Google AdWords Work for You as a Beginner

Losing money with Google Adwords when you are just starting out is pretty common because mistakes will be made. With little knowledge, many advertisers that are new to the Adwords scene, believe that putting a few hundred dollars in to a campaign is going to magically deliver a ton of visitors to their site. It is however, not that easy when you take into account all the various parts that need attention in order to create a successful campaign. Does someone new to Google Adwords have no chance? Not at all! In fact, if you’re just beginning then you have an advantage over the others since you don’t have to unlearn anything – and can rather start off with a fresh mind.

Don’t even think of setting up an Adwords campaign until you know beyond a doubt that your site is in good running order. You can’t start advertising a website that is lacking or is unfinished in any way. In order for your site to be well liked by Google, you need to make sure that you include a “Contact Us” page, a “Terms of Service” page, and a “Privacy Policy” page plus a link to these pages from the homepage. The layout of your site is also a critical factor because you want to ensure that you have a navigation system that is easy to use and is helpful.

Your focus should be setting up a group of ads for each keyword so you can test their performance and build a stronger campaign. It is essential that you only focus on a single keyword or phrase for each ad. If you are targeting multiple keywords then you can easily set up ad groups dedicated to each. It takes most of the guess work out of ranking your ads and basically streamlines the entire task. Even if you are targeting the single and plural versions of the same keyword or anything like that, be sure to always use separate ad groups and match them to the text in the ad exactly.

The keywords that you’re targeting in your AdWords campaign have to be relevant to the keywords on your landing page. The consequences of unaligned or untargeted keywords may be that Google decides not to show your ad whatsoever. It is important to remember that when you are researching your keywords for your ad campaign you only pick keywords that are relevant to the niche your website is based on. Google focuses so much on relevancy because they want to give their users the information that they seek. The internet is packed with information about successfully running a Google AdWords campaign well but remember that theory is not the same as action. The results you want will be elusive until you actually take some honest action and put what you have learned and already know to good use. All of the information is important when you work with AdWords.

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