Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What Buffett Says About Diversification Will Shock You

Working for StreetAuthority, I do a lot of different things.

In the course of a day, I may be writing an article, discussing potential picks with our staff, researching the next investing hotspot -- even going over Stock of the Month ideas with my colleagues.

And with so much going on, I find myself a little frazzled as the day goes on.

To combat this, I try to get to work about an hour earlier than the rest of the staff. Sometimes I work from home before I leave for the office. 


I don't do this to show off. I've simply found I can do more in that one hour (when I can focus on one task without distraction) than I can in two hours when the rest of the staff has the office buzzing.

Turning off the background noise allows me to simplify things -- and get better results.

What does this have to do with investing? A ton. 

Why Diversification Is Like Drinking From A Fire Hose
Sometimes the investing waters are as clear as mud to retail investors. After all, there are literally thousands of potential plays out there.

You could try to play a rebound in the automakers. You could day-trade the banks. You could stick with index funds and ride out any storm. You could even try to find companies that are simply undervalued and will rebound once the market notices.

But the problem is that there are too many options -- it's like trying to drink from a fire hose. Too many choices make it hard to nail down the one investment that will make your portfolio a winner.

Instead, like I do every morning by getting an early start, I think successful investors need to turn off the distractions and focus their attention to a small group of the best ideas -- drink from a glass instead of a fire hose.

By shrinking your portfolio, you'll find:

• It's easier to stay on top of your investments: If you have a portfolio of 50 stocks, how well can you pay attention to each one?

Even if you spend just an hour each week reading up on each one, you'd have a full-time job (plus 10 hours of overtime) just to give each holding its due.

And with this market, it's more important than ever to watch your holdings. Instead, a portfolio of just 10 to 12 of your best picks would need significantly less time to track each week, and you'll likely sleep better at night knowing you've done your homework.

• Better portfolio performance: Which do you think would average higher on a test: an entire class full of students, or a handful of the smartest students as picked by the teacher?

The answer is obvious -- and it's the same with your portfolio.

Look through your holdings. If you have upwards of 30, 40, even 50 holdings or more, I bet you'll find some that you think are just OK. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if you have some you don't even like but simply haven't sold yet.

Instead, what if ! you culled your portfolio to just your favorite picks? Wouldn't your portfolio be in much better shape going forward? You'd have the cream of the crop, instead of the entire field. Remember, it's hard to outperform the market if your portfolio is the market.

• That you're not alone in trimming down your portfolio: Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B) holds just 42 publicly traded U.S. stocks. That's a lot for an individual investor, but for a company with billions at its disposal, it's surprisingly few. On top of that, Berkshire's top five holdings make up 73% of its portfolio.

Buffett is a proponent of positioning a portfolio to take advantage of the best picks. He's even gone as far as saying:

"If it's your game, diversification doesn't make sense. It's crazy to put money into your 20th choice rather than your first choice. It's the 'LeBron James' analogy. If you have basketball phenom LeBron James on your team, don't take him out of the game just to make room for someone else."

If the world's greatest investor is following this approach, shouldn't you?

Individual Stocks Can Still Do Well, No Matter The Market
Warren Buffett's school of thought is one of the main tenets of my Stock of the Month newsletter and its $100,000 real-money portfolio. Think about it: Our economy continues to run hot and cold. Investors are still skittish about unemployment, interest rates, housing, the Middle East -- the list goes on.

But no matter what's happening, there are always some stocks doing well. And if you focus on a select group of your best picks, you can profit immensely. 

Take a look at some of my recent picks:

Costco (Nasdaq: COST) is up 27% since I bought it nearly a year ago. Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) is up 51% in the nine months I've owned it. In all of my 41 closed trades, only seven have lost money. And the majority of them have returned double-digit returns.   

Action to Take --> I understand that years of conditioning by the financial media have led millions of investors to think diversification is crucial to success. And it is, if you want to merely match the market. (Not to mention line your broker's pocketbook.) But that's not what I strive to do. I doubt you do either.

P.S. - Remember that I'm not just paying lip service to investing in your best ideas. I have $100,000 in actual cash behind my Stock of the Month portfolio. So far the performance has been great -- 85% of my closed trades have posted positive returns. You can get all the details here.

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