Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Four Stocks To Buy In A Choppy Market

Disclosure: I'm long Lannett Company, Anika Therapeutics and Buffalo Wild Wings.

"Human nature hasn't changed much in 5,000 years. There's this thing of greed versus fear. The market's going up, you're not worried. All of a sudden it starts going down and you start saying, 'I remember my uncle told me, you know, somebody lost it all in the Depression. People were jumping out of windows.' … People start to think about these things with the market going down. These ugly thoughts start coming into the picture. Gotta get 'em out. You have to wipe those out and you–you either believe in it or you don't."  – Peter Lynch, Frontline, 1996

While the great Peter Lynch, who compiled one of the best track records in history with Fidelity's Magellan fund, uttered those words nearly two decades ago, any successful investor knows that they're still true today. The market–and your portfolio–will always have their ups and downs. But if you believe in your stocks (and the market's long-term track record in general), you don't bail on equities when times get tough; in fact, as Lynch said in that same interview, you're probably best off adding to your holdings when the seas get choppy.

The same can be said when it comes to investment strategies. As hedge fund guru Joel Greenblatt explained in his Little Book that Beats the Market, no strategy can beat market all the time. If one did, people would load into it as soon as it was discovered, pushing up the prices of the stocks it identified to unreasonable levels, and killing the strategy. But, as Greenblatt also notes, over the long term you can beat the market with sound investing strategies–if you stick with them through the ups and downs, and perhaps even have the intestinal fortitude to increase your allocations to them when they're scuffling.

That's the trick, of course–and it's a difficult one to master. As Lynch noted, humans are emotional creatures, and we can get particularly emotional when our money is involved. When our stocks or the broader market start declining, or a strategy stops working in the short-term, the wait for a rebound can seem interminable. Every bone in your body will be telling you to sell, sell, sell, that if you stick with your approach, you'll lose it all–your retirement money, your kids' college tuition, you name it.

But if you have studied and learned from great strategists like Lynch and Greenblatt, and you've examined research showing how poor market-timing decisions crush many investors' portfolios over the long haul, you can stay calm during such difficult periods. That's why, instead of being panicked about some of my worst-performing strategies so far in 2014–my Motley Fool and Martin Zweig-based approaches, both down between 12% and 13% year-to-date–I'm actually bullish on them.

Despite their recent struggles amid the market's rotation from momentum and growth stocks to safer, dividend-paying stocks, both of these strategies have excellent long-term track records.

A 10-stock portfolio picked using the Fool-based model (inspired by the writings of Fool co-creators Tom and David Gardner) has averaged annualized returns of 14.8% since its mid-2003 inception versus 6.0% for the S&P 500. A 10-stock portfolio picked using the Zweig-based model, meanwhile, has averaged annualized returns of nearly 10% since its mid-2003 inception. (Return figures through May 14.)

Keep in mind that it's not just that a good strategy returns to form after a rough stretch–very often that's when it will generate some of its best returns, as investors warm to the bargains they've been ignoring while the strategy has struggled. That's what I've often seen with my Guru Strategies.

My Greenblatt-based 10-stock portfolio, for example, lagged the broader market in 2011 and 2012, but then roared back last year, returning more than 51%. This year, while the S&P is up about 2%, the portfolio is up more than 8%. Had I given up on the strategy after 2012, I would've missed out on some huge gains.

In my extensive study of history's most successful investors, I've found the same to be true in their careers. Lynch's Magellan fund lost 22.6%–more than four times the S&P's loss–in 1981, for example, and was in the red again in 1982, a year in which the S&P 500 rose more than 21%. But the trouble was temporary, and the rebound tremendous: Magellan gained 82.8% in 1983.

So while my Zweig- and Fool-based models are struggling in 2014, I expect they'll bounce back strong. When the tide will turn, no one knows for sure. That's while I'll stay disciplined and keep investing in stocks they approve of, like these four.

Anika Therapeutics
Massachusetts-based Anika Therapeutics develops therapeutic products for tissue protection, healing and repair based on hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring polymer found throughout the body that enhances joint function and coats, protects, cushions and lubricates soft tissues. Shares have bucked the downward biotech tend this year, thanks to better than expected first quarter earnings and the FDA's approval of Monovisc, its single injection treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain.

Anika Therapeutics a favorite of both my Zweig- and Lynch-based models. The Fool-based model likes its strong recent growth in earnings per share and sales (362% and 123%, respectively, last quarter); rising profit margins (13.08% two years ago, 16.48%, last year, and 27.41% this year); 0.46 P/E-to-growth ratio, and lack of any long-term debt. The Zweig-based strategy likes that its earnings growth is strong and accelerating (362% last quarter, vs. an average of 72% in the three previous quarters, vs. 47% long term), and that it has no long-term debt.

Lannett Company
This 72-year-old Philadelphia-based company makes generic prescription pharmaceutical products for customers throughout the United States. The $1.3-billion-market-cap firm gets strong interest from my Fool-based model. Lannett was hit hard by the recent biotech slump–too hard, according to this approach. It likes that Lannett grew EPS by 390% and sales by 84% last quarter, and that its profit margins have been rising (-0.26% two years ago, 3.21% last year, and 8.82% this year). It also likes that Lannett's debt/equity ratio is less than 1%.

Buffalo Wild Wings
Founded in 1982, Minnesota-based Buffalo Wild Wings is a restaurant/bar chain with more than 1,000 locations across all 50 states in the United States, as well as in Canada and Mexico. It gets strong interest from the Zweig-based strategy, thanks in part to its strong, accelerating growth. EPS grew 71% last quarter, up from average of 41% in the previous three quarters, up from 22% long term (I use an average of the 3-, 4- and 5-year EPS growth rates to determine a long term rate).

The Zweig model also likes that sales growth–not one-time factors–has driven earnings growth over the long term (25% long term sales growth rate, using an average of the 3-, 4- and 5-year sales growth rates). And it likes that Buffalo Wild Wings' debt/equity ratio of just 7% is far below the restaurant industry average of 158%.

WSFS Financial
Delaware-based WSFS ($600-million-market-cap) is more than 180 years old, making it the seventh-oldest bank continuously operating under the same name in the United States. It operates more than 50 offices, mostly in Delaware and Pennsylvania though it has one office each in Virginia and Nevada as well.

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