Saturday, February 15, 2014

Claiming Social Security: A Timeline for Clients

Born in 1935 with a 32-page act of Congress, Social Security now stands not only as our government’s largest entitlement program, but its biggest budget outlay overall.1

Thus, given its outsized stature in the retirement planning of most Americans, volumes of information continue to accumulate around Social Security. Go to the program’s official website and you will discover screens after screen of content and resources. Visit a local library and you will find scores of reference books packed with program facts and planning considerations.

The problem is that there is so much to know about Social Security, it is daunting. As your clients approach retirement and begin to feel the weight of mounting decisions and deadlines, expect to encounter planning insecurity toward Social Security. Ready yourself for a host of questions about this fundamental element of nearly every client’s retirement income strategy, including:

Those questions merit answers. But how much information is too much? Wading through all the “whats” of Social Security – the details, the assumptions, the strategies – may be counterproductive. Some of it may relate to a client’s situation. A fair amount may not.

There may however be a way to approach this that is easier to manage and makes more sense. You see, sometimes, it’s not the “whats” but the “whens” that matter most in addressing such a complex topic.

What Matters Most to Me?

Knowing the “whens” of Social Security means focusing on the specific information most relevant to a client at their specific age or retirement stage. Adopting this approach frees clients and their financial professionals from having to “drink from a fire hose” in an attempt to assimilate all the voluminous details of the program. No client needs to know every consideration for every age all at once. Instead, hone in on what matters most … at the upcoming pivot points most relevant for this juncture in your client’s retirement path.

For example, let’s say your client is coming up on common action stages of the retirement planning process. Perhaps they are approaching age 60. If that’s the case, 62 looms as a milestone:

Or, as another example, assume your client is 65. Their next birthday brings with it a number of considerations and possibilities related to Social Security claiming, such as:

Focus on Current Considerations

For younger clients, say in their early 50s, triggers that are still a decade off hold little interest.  Keep their planning manageable. Concentrating on information related to their age range is simpler and easier to digest. Perhaps a general understanding of the difference between early, full and late retirement would build awareness of the need to commence more comprehensive planning.

Likewise, if a client is older, a different set of planning assumptions is relevant.  Narrow your focus to the actionable planning opportunities that remain available for someone their age, such as not delaying the start of benefits beyond age 70.

These scenarios and takeaways are just starting points for Social Security claiming considerations, pertaining to only a few ages. But as you can see, synthesizing planning points this way makes it easier on your client and you. It means you needn’t be a walking Social Security encyclopedia. And your client doesn’t have to be encumbered by facts, details and strategies of limited relevance or urgency.

Timelines and trigger ages spur awareness and action. As a consultative partner in your client’s financial future, you can help unlock some of the intricacies of Social Security by focusing on the “whens” of the program rather than every “what” involved in it. A good place to start is a section of dedicated exclusively to helping financial professionals. The Social Security Administration describes it as “a valuable resource in helping your clients plan for retirement or other life events.” Check it out at and begin to build your Social Security know how.


Source: Social Security Administration, Jan. 2014.

1 Office of Management and Budget, Historical Tables: Budget of the U.S. Government, FY 2014. 

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