Friday, March 15, 2013

United Continental Reports February Metrics

United Continental (NYSE: UAL  ) has released its operational figures for February. For the month, the company's revenue passenger miles totaled 6.3 billion, a 4% decline from the same month of 2012. The decline was narrower -- 1.7% -- in the year-to-date period, dropping to just under 13 billion from January-February 2012's 13.2 billion.

Available seat miles were also down, to 7.5 billion last month, from February 2012's 8.1 billion, a decline of 7.6%. Those numbers year to date came in at 16.3 billion and 17.3 billion, respectively, for a decline of 5.7%.

Certain key numbers improved over those spans of time, however. Passenger load factor in February increased to 83.4% from the year-ago month's 80.2%. It also grew in the year-to-date time frame, to 82.8%, against the 2012 period's 80.6%.

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