Thursday, March 14, 2013

Does the U.S. Need More Refineries?

"I'm givin' her all that she's got captain!"

That may be a quote from a Star Trek character, but it also could be used to describe America's refinery business. With almost all Gulf Coast refiners at maximum capacity, some companies like Valero (NYSE: VLO  ) are looking to ship crude from there to other facilities. Major companies like ExxonMobil� (NYSE: XOM  ) and Phillips 66� (NYSE: PSX  ) have seen downstream margins expanding. Will they leave that cash in the segment and use it for expansion?

Today, contributor Tyler Crowe checks in with the refining business in the U.S. and explains how a lack of investment in the industry could spell trouble down the road. �

One company in the refining business that has been able to grow and take advantage of�record-low prices for natural gas�is�Enterprise Products Partners. With its superior integrated asset base, it can profit from the massive bottlenecks in takeaway capacity by taking on large-scale projects. To help investors decide whether Enterprise Products Partners is a buy or a sell today,�click here now�to check out The Motley Fool's brand new premium research report on the company.

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