Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Apple: iPad to Dominate Tablet NAND Use (Correction)

The market research folks at IHS iSuppli this morning opine that Apple’s (AAPL) iPad will likely make up 72% of worldwide NAND flash memory chip demand for parts used specifically in tablet computers this year, in terms of volume of gigabytes, down slightly from 78% last year.

The firm further believes that iPad will probably continue to dominate “tablet NAND purchasing,” as iSuppli puts it, through 2015, making up 58% of volume of sales by that year.

iSuppli analyst Dee Nguyen points out the iPad’s higher use of NAND than some other tablets means ” �the iPad employs a larger density of NAND than its competitors” and so “will continue to drive the growth of NAND sales in the tablet market for the next several years.�

iSuppli pegs the average iPad NAND density this year at 33.8 gigabytes, up from 30.9 gigs in 2011. That is above what is expected to be a 20-gig average for non-iPad tablets.

NAND flash chips are expected to rise from 1.6 billion gigabytes last year to 16.3 billion gigabytes by 2015, the firm projects.

Correction: A prior version of this post incorrectly stated Apple would represent the majority of NAND consumption, when in fact iSuppli referred only to demand for NAND flash that’s shipped in tablet computers. My apology for any confusion caused by the error.


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