Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stock market wild card: big spending cuts


With a deadline nearing in the latest battle over the U.S. budget, a key question for equity investors next week is whether the likelihood of spending cuts will spur a correction in a market that�s sitting at multiyear highs. See full story..

First rule of currency war: Don�t say currency war

The G-20 has given the green light to stimulative policies that will weaken the yen and other currencies, so long as policy makers don�t explicitly target foreign exchange. See full story..

Economy, like battleship, plods forward

Like an old battleship, the economy keeps plodding ahead even as potential bombshells splash all around. See full story..

Retirement savings: How much is enough?

Are you saving enough for retirement? A tool aims to give savers a rough guide to let them know whether they�re on track�but, as with all retirement tools aimed at a broad audience, take the information with a grain of salt. See full story..

How you can be a smart market timer

Mutual fund investors habitually get the worst from their funds, earning lower returns than the investment vehicles they are buying. They don�t have to settle for that, writes Chuck Jaffe. See full story..


Why is an old iPhone still worth hundreds of dollars? New research suggests a surprising explanation: hoarding. More than half of American consumers say they have two or more unused cell phones in their house. See full story..

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