Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Solar Play to Double Your Money This Year

“Go West, young man, and grow up with the country,” said Horace Greeley, in one his famous New York Tribune editorials in 1865.

If he were alive today, I’m sure he’d be saying, “Go solar, young man, and you’re going to get rich.” The reason is simple: Just as westward expansion formed the cornerstone of which our great nation now stands, solar expansion will soon form the cornerstone of the green energy movement that will not only help reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but also provide huge profit opportunities for visionary investors.

The solar energy revolution will have finally arrived and change the energy landscape for years. But how can we profit from this revolution?

Most investors don’t know this, but solar cells are made of thin wafer silicon chips. Specifically, a material called Polysilicon. You see, polysilicon happens to be THE KEY COMPONENT for both making both integrated circuits (computer chips) and solar panels.

Thanks to a new technology boom and the growing demand for solar power, these dual uses are creating a classic supply/demand squeeze for this key raw material in the solar revolution.

So it’s no wonder that the prices of polysilicon have risen sixfold, from roughly $30 per kilogram in 2004 to more than $200 per kilo this year. Or that my top pick in this sector is enjoying 191% earnings growth! And it’s all because new solar technologies are driving up demand for polysilicon around the world.

Think of it this way: polysilicon is to the solar industry as “crude oil” is to the oil industry.

Ironically, unlike the case with oil, whose prices rise because of dwindling oil supplies, there is no lack of supply for silica—the base component in polysilicon. You can find abundant quantities in the world’s beach sand.

The problem is that there simply aren’t enough plants in existence today to keep up with demand. So, just as the global oil industry lacks refining capacity (see “The Hidden Way to Profit From $150 Oil”), the same can be said for producing polysilicon.

And just like it takes years to build a new oil refinery, it takes years to build a new polysilicon plant as well. The end result has not only resulted in skyrocketing silicon prices but also huge profits for my top solar manufacturer over the past 12 months. But with $120-a-barrel oil prices, even the company’s past 475% gains may pale in comparison to what lies ahead.

I’m convinced that a small position in this company could make your retirement years. The company has already turned a $10,000 investment into $575,000 over the past three years. And as you can see from last quarter’s 191% earnings, the company is on track to repeat this performance over the next three.

Here at Blue Chip Growth, our goal is to hand our readers 35% to 50% gains every 12 months. It’s a vow I’ve worked hard to keep for more than two decades.When the numbers say to sell, we’ll do it quickly—profit or loss. We never fall in love with stocks nor do we stick with losers. This is how we’ve beaten the S&P 500 $3-to-$1 over the past 10 years. With nearly 80% of our current holdings winners, and our average gain 46%, we are clearly well on our way to meet our 2008 annual goal. Join Blue Chip Growth today and start profiting from my top solar stock!

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